Show icon on product's miniatures
Hello, i need some informations about this module: I need some rule for my sale: -20% off if the price product is at least 149€ -25% off if the price product is at least 229€ -25% off if the price product is at least 299€ is it possibile to create these rule or to customize it?

DIsplay discount icon on product if price is higher than €299
module does not have this kind of visibility conditions.
It can be assigned to product
so icon will be visible on this product no matter what will be the price of the module, or what will be the value of discount.
It can be assigned to tag
so icon will be visible on product pages associated with selected tag
so icon will be visible on product pages associated with selected tag
I do not plan to update the module where it will be possible to define the visibility conditions. So in this case the only one way to display icon only if product will have specific price and/or discount value, it will be required to use some workaround. An easiest way is an usage of {if} conditions in .tpl files
for example:
{if $product.price > 299}
Code to show icon
Show icon on product's miniatures
Reviewed by VEKIA
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
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