Auto open menu on mobile device

First of all: I am so sorry about my bad english!

I need a little help on blocktopdropdownmenu. I want to show categories without clicking any button( for mobile theme only) like the photo attached. I tried to edit blocktopdropdownmenu.tpl and blocktopdropdownmenu.js but my idea dose`nt work.

Also, i would like to tell me if it is possbile to move the home slider photos after "search" block but before cart block (only on mobile phone). If it  is what file i have to edit, please send me some tips becouse i search this for about 2 days and i don`t find nothing...

Auto open menu on mobile device

- just activate homeslider module for mobile device in shop back office:
- go to /themes/your-theme/modules/blocktopmenu/blocktopmenu.tpl and at the begining paste code: {if Context::getContext()->getMobileDevice() == true}{hook h='displayTopColumn' mod='homeslider'}{/if}

at the end of /themes/your-theme/modules/blocktopmenu/blocktopmenu.tpl paste:
{if Context::getContext()->getMobileDevice() == true}

Auto open menu on mobile device Auto open menu on mobile device Reviewed by VEKIA on Wednesday, February 06, 2019 Rating: 5

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