Show lowest price of product including quantity discounts

The question is about this module: it show the lowest price including quantity discounts or it's just for combinations? We are searching a module for both, quantity and combinations.
Thanks for your support

Hello Carmen,
Module show lowest price including combinations and available quantity discounts :)
Feature to show lowest price (including combinations and available quantity discounts) was added to module in ver 1.5.1 (current version is 1.5.6)

changelog entry:
- added improvements to the module to make it work also with quantity discounts (not only with combinations)
- so if your product has quantity discounts, module will include these discounts to calculate max / min price

so, i confirm. Module uses lowest price, including also the discounts from quantity discounts price rules

best regards
Show lowest price of product including quantity discounts Show lowest price of product including quantity discounts Reviewed by VEKIA on Sunday, January 19, 2020 Rating: 5

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