Export products to facebook and keep update prices stock promotions


Hello, i woul like to know if with the fb conversion tracking pixel and Prestashop Export catalog for facebook pixel dynamic ads. It's posible to export productos and keep update prices stock and the tab promotions.


Our module "fb conversion tracking pixel" is a module that sends events to facebook only for advertising purposes. It does not allow to create products' catalog on facebook ads account.
The module that can help with catalog export process and update prices, descriptions, names, images etc. is "Export catalog for facebook pixel dynamic ads".

So i confirm - with "Export catalog for facebook pixel dynamic ads" you can export products to facebook and then - update them.  Addon allows to integrate facebook ads account with its "scheduled update" feature. Facebook will connect to our module, import new products and update existing ones with defined frequency (For example everyday)
Export products to facebook and keep update prices stock promotions Export products to facebook and keep update prices stock promotions Reviewed by VEKIA on Thursday, October 08, 2020 Rating: 5

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