Delayed delivery of voucher for next purchase in PrestaShop

Good Morning: I am interested in buying the module Prestashop Rewards - Voucher codes after orders, but I have a question. It is possible to configure that the mail is sent days after the purchase, or it is always sent just after the customer has purchased. I would like the coupon to be sent to you 15 days after the initial purchase. Thank you very much. I am looking forward to your response


Module allows to achieve what you expect.

Our addon has two types of "rewards" delivery process.

  1. First one - where the reward is delivered automatically right after order is placed in shop and confirmed (for example paid order with status "payment accepted")
  2. Second one - delayed delivery. This feature is based on cron task that is executed with defined frequency (for exmaple everyday on 12:00). In this delivery method you can setup a delay in days. For exmaple - 15.
    So, if customer will place an order, module after 15 days will check if order is confirmed. And if so - it will send the reward.

screenshot for reference below. 

It shows option that allows to decide about voucher delivery method:

if option is active - the second method will be used. If voucher will be disabled - the first delivery method will be used.

best regards


Delayed delivery of voucher for next purchase in PrestaShop Delayed delivery of voucher for next purchase in PrestaShop Reviewed by VEKIA on Tuesday, October 13, 2020 Rating: 5

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