Facebook cropped image on timeline - product in prestashop

I was buy from You  Facebook Open Graph Tags for Prestashop
but I have a problem with croped image when share products to Facebook
can You please help me to resolve that problem? 

Too large images are cropped on timeline because facebook accepts photos in specific sizes.

Link Post ImagesFacebook shares links on timeline in a two ways:

  1. With large image (rectangle 476px x 249px) as on example:

  2. With small square image (square: 200px x 200pxas on example:

You need to decide what kind of presence on timeline you expect,
then depending on your requirements you need to configure the module.

for example, you want to share posts as a square

you can manage sizes of images in your shop under design > image settings (prestashop 1.7) or under preferences > images (prestashop 1.6)
you can find there list of images: https://i.imgur.com/udExm80.png, you can even create there new image type with specific size (for exmaple for facebook open graph purposes: https://i.imgur.com/MLx3dkF.png - you will be able to select it here then: https://i.imgur.com/DnOPvZG.png  ) 
Facebook cropped image on timeline - product in prestashop Facebook cropped image on timeline - product in prestashop Reviewed by VEKIA on Monday, February 17, 2020 Rating: 5

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