Display quantity discounts only for specific group of customers

I am interested in buying this module:
I would like to know if the module foresees the possibility of showing the table of discount brackets, only to a specific group of prestashop customers.
Practically I need to associate the module with a specific group, to show it only to it.
Let me know if this feature is provided, so I will immediately buy it.

Prestashop allows to achieve this by default.
Back office of your shop should have this option under group settings.
Take a look on this video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oLmy4U7l6lynipIdIrX0mtxLBj01UC_E/view?usp=drivesdk 

you can set "authorized modules" for each group separately.
THanks to this module can be available only for selected groups of customers.

best regards
Display quantity discounts only for specific group of customers Display quantity discounts only for specific group of customers Reviewed by VEKIA on Wednesday, October 16, 2019 Rating: 5

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